Why This Library?
This project is a port of the Guzzler library, and is intended to service the Symfony community. Guzzler started as a personal itch to have tests for working with Guzzle that were more descriptive and documenting of what they were testing. The same is now possible for HttpClient too.
Recording History
HttpClient allows us to insert mock responses, but we're on our own to build out a way to record the history of requests. Though mocking responses is highly necessary to building API integrations, verifying the requests sent out are just as important. By using a mock client built by Hybrid, the history of the requests are recorded for later verification.
public $client;
public function setUp(): void
// The mock client returned automatically records all requests made in your test
$this->client = $this->hybrid->getClient([
'base_uri' => 'https://some-api-url.com/api/v3'
$this->codeToTest = new SomeClass($this->client);
public function testSomething()
// This response will now be returned the first time a request is made to the
// client that we injected into our class in the setUp method.
$this->hybrid->queueResponse(new MockResponse('Some Body'));
// ... Other code
Treat Your Expectations Like PHPUnit Mocks
If you were to record the history yourself, you still need a way to go into each request to verify it was made as intended.
// Verify it was a POST
$this->assertEquals('POST', $history[0]['request']['method']);
// Verify it was the correct URL
$url = parse_url($history[0]['request']['url']);
$this->assertEquals("/v3/company/{$this->companyId}/bill", $url['path']);
// Verify the request was a JSON request and that the
// body contains the required JSON data
$this->assertEquals("content-type: application/json", $history[0]['request']['normalized_headers']['content-type');
$body = json_decode($history[0]['request']['body'], true);
$this->assertEquals('AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail', $body['some-nested-place']['DetailType']);
$this->assertEquals(200.0, $body['some-nested-place']['Amount']);
$this->assertEquals($bill->id, $body['some-nested-place']['Id'];
Instead of tightly coupling our tests to HttpClient's configuration, it's helpful to say exactly what we are testing for, and it would be nice to copy PHPUnit’s way of saying “we want to ensure {x} happens {y} number of times.”
// PHPUnit Mock and Invokables Syntax
->method(/* some method name */)
->with(/* some argument */)
->willReturn(/* some result */);
Hybrid's chainable Expectation
s allow us to specify every aspect of the request we care about.
'DetailType' => 'AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail',
'Amount' => 200.0,
'Id' => $bill->id
->willRespond(new MockResponse(
['http_code' => 201]
Verify All or Part of Your Requests
Hybrid provides several helper assertions that allow you to create expectations around either the entirety of your requests, or just a specific subset. Now, you don't have to iterate through all your history items by hand.
// Without Hybrid
foreach ($history as $item) {
$header = $item['request']['normalized_headers']['Authorization'];
$this->assertStringContainsString($header[0], $token);
$last = end($history);
$url = parse_url($last['request']['url']);
"/v3/company/{$this->companyId}/user" == $url['path']
&& $last['request']['method'] == "DELETE"
// With Hybrid
$this->hybrid->assertAll(function (Expectation $e) use ($token) {
return $e->withHeader('Authorization', "Bearer {$token}");
$this->hybrid->assertNotLast(function (Expectation $e) {
return $e->delete("/v3/company/{$this->companyId}/user");
Helpful Failure Messages
Whenever an expectation is not met Hybrid shows a helpful, serialized message of it's arguments in the console.
Hybrid, and all Chassis based projects, allow you to create your own filters and macros. Doing so allows you to add your own solutions for complex traversing needs and shorthands.