Getting Started

Be Aware

The Symfony\HttpClient component is currently considered an "experimental feature". The underlying library may change in the future before it reaches stable. Please see the official documentation for the latest.


  1. PHP 7.2+
  2. Symfony\HttpClient 4.3.1+
  3. PHPUnit 8.2+ & 9


Add the dependency to your composer.json file.

composer require --dev --prefer-dist blastcloud/hybrid

Add the BlastCloud\Hybrid\UsesHybrid trait to your test class.

use BlastCloud\Hybrid\UsesHybrid;

class SomeTest extends TestCase
    use UsesHybrid;

This trait wires up a class variable named hybrid. Inside that object the necessary history and mock handlers for HttpClient are instantiated and saved. You can customize the Client object however you like by passing in any options you would pass to a normal MockHttpClient in the getClient() method.

getClient(array $options = [])

The getClient method returns a new instance of the HttpClient class and adds any options you like to it’s constructor. Adding extra options is not required.

$client = $this->hybrid->getClient([
    "base_uri" => "",
    // ... Any other configurations

Custom Engine Name

Hybrid allows you to customize the variable name of the engine, if you prefer to not use "hybrid". To use a custom name, add a constant to the class called ENGINE_NAME with the value set to the variable name you'd prefer.

use BlastCloud\Hybrid\UsesHybrid;

class SomeTest extends TestCase
    use UsesHybrid;

    public $client;
    // Here we define what we want the engine name to be.
    const ENGINE_NAME = 'engine';

    public function setUp(): void

        // Here, $this->hybrid has been renamed
        // to $this->engine
        $this->client = $this->engine->getClient([
            'base_uri' => ''

    public function testSomething()
        // ...

The main benefit of using a custom engine name is to abstract as much code as possible. Though it's not likely you'll have a conflicting variable named "hybrid", it's a possibility that is covered.

Last Updated: 3/10/2020, 3:47:31 AM